We flew from McKinney (KTKI) to Arlington (KGKY) and visited Harrison Aviation. They were very nice and friendly. They have a $10 tie down fee if you don't buy any fuel but the very nice lady at the counter waived the fee for us.
The car was a Ford Taurus in good shape, so I can't bag on them for this car (just wait till we go to Paris). Darren is going to leave a good note on Airnav. All in all we had a great time flying in the cool night air and even had a good drive over to the Hotel. Pictures are below. Sorry about the quality. My iPhone was the only thing that would take a decent picture. My Fuji Camera looked even worse.
I received a tip that the quality of the crew car is directly related to the price of fuel, so I am going to include the price of fuel for each post.
Fuel Price
SS 100LL - $5.29
FS 100LL - $5.99
Ramp Fee $10.00 (if no fuel purchased)
I received a tip that the quality of the crew car is directly related to the price of fuel, so I am going to include the price of fuel for each post.
Fuel Price
SS 100LL - $5.29
FS 100LL - $5.99
Ramp Fee $10.00 (if no fuel purchased)