Thursday, April 27, 2017

Texarkana KTXK

I haven't posted here in a long time. I finally got back in the air after a 2 year layoff and we headed to Texarkana for some cross country work. The fine folks at TAC Air let us borrow their nice crew car as we went for lunch at Applebees (no judgement because all of the good BBQ places were closed on Sunday).

Our crew car for the day was a grey Ford Focus. It was nice to finally get a crew car that didn't used to be a government owned vehicle. It was clean, didn't have any licenses plates n the inside and smelled good.

We took it to town for lunch and if you haven't bee to an Applebees in a while, you might be surprised with their new menu. We opted for the 2 for $25 meal with has 2 main courses, a side and either a pair of salads or an appetizer.

All in all, it was a nice trip for a good lunch and some very pricey 100LL. At least they were nice.